The Ontario Ministry of Labour has identified that their focus on inspections for October through until December 2019 will be musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory hazards.

Inspectors will be focussing on the following industries:


Health Care



In the industrial workplaces inspectors will focus on activities that may pose respiratory hazards including:

  • Vapours (such as from solvents)
  • Fumes (i.e. welding fumes)
  • Particulate (such as from diesel emissions)

The will also be checking for musculoskeletal disorder hazards such as high forces, awkward postures and repetitive motion. Inspectors will check that:

  • Employers have provided training to workers on safe manual materials handling practices
  • Items are being manually handled in a safe manner
  • Items are stored so that they can be placed or withdrawn in a safe manner
  • Handling items while the worker is on a ladder is being performed in a safe manner
  • Obstructions and/or hazards on the floor are not interfering with manual materials handling activities

To help businesses prepare for these inspections and understand their rights and responsibilities, the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services and MOL is offering a free webinar on September 12th at 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.

The webinar will focus on information relevant to workplaces in the industrial sector, but anyone from industry may attend.

You can register for this free webinar through this link.

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